About "Exek és szeretők"

2014.01.18. 23:39

I watched this movie in the Művész cinema, which was a first time for me there. The last row was not a good idea since there is not much height difference between the first and last row, so I was sitting on my coat. It was with subtitles that's why sitting higher was important, but anyway it was not so hard to understand their talking.

Watched movie: Enough said (Exek és szeretők) 4/5

exek es szeretok.jpg

What do we have in this movie? A lot of parents, mostly divorced people living single or with their children who are slowly going away to college. A lot of talks about divorce, compromise, other people's quirks and annoying habits.

There is Eva, a divorced mother who is a massage therapist, or as they said: masseur (which is harder to write down without looking it up), and she meets a woman, starts to work for her who's telling about her annoying ex husband. At the same time Eva meets a man and they start going out, and the man is also divorced. After some time Eva finds out the man is the woman's exhusband, about she was telling how fat he got, how messy he is, how annoying things he can do etc. And Eva doesn't tell anyone about what she found out, so she would get the intel about her boyfriend's habits, deficiencies etc.

While I was watching the movie, I liked it, I was laughing, it was mostly naturally funny, not so comedy-like. So as a comedy it was good, but since there was a lot of talks about divorce, I didn't understand why those parts were not enough serious. But I kind of think that because these people although were talking to other divorced people, they were afraid to open up really, to tell the real problems, how they felt about their marriages not working out etc. Slowly there were some conversations about how they think they should have known the marriage won't work out in the beginning, and how they felt they weren't understood by the other, but that is still only the tip of the iceberg, I think.

But of course beside not digging deeper into divorces and marriage problems we get the message that we should not judge someone by their previous relationships, because people are different, and love is about accepting the other one. But personally I feel like that I get what love is about, what I don't get is marriage and the way of raising kids. I don't know if I am ever going to see a working relationship that could be an example for me so I would know how it can work. I can feel so angry about how it seems impossible to do it the right way because we're not deciding only from our own perspective. As they said in Cloud atlas, our life is not only ours. And think that sucks when you cannot make someone else feel the way you do, so they would understand why you want to do something. Or by summarizing everything what I have experienced and learned from my life and others throughout my years so far: i'm afraid of knowing what i don't want in my future, but not knowing what i would like.

Sorry, this movie was not that serious, but the topic made me write about it. But I liked it, I rated it 4/5, the actors were good, and the other message what I liked is that you can live after a divorce, you can find the chance to be happy with someone who is probably as experienced and hurt as you after a divorce too, and you can star in a romantic comedy in your 40s, 50s :D

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