August: Osage County

2014.01.25. 22:09

This is a terrible title. It describes a time and a place, I don't know how the play's writer thought of that. I mean theater plays usually have more interesting titles. But now we are talking about the movie full of great famous actors, but the story is so tragic, fucked up, miserable, that I don't feel that I could write about it. I feel like a piece of crap without any hope about the future.

oklahoma.jpgThis is the scene that is the most fucked up.

Ok, maybe that is exaggerated, at least I can feel that my family is not that fucked up as I saw their lives on the screen. But seriously, how many feelings, secrets are not spoken out in families and relationships, that by the time moving forward people are just feeling more and more distant from the people they should be close.

But of course it's different when you were born into a family and it's different when you create a family with someone whom you chose. But either way, you can feel like a piece of crap when you are not happy in that environment, and you don't feel that there is way out or there is a way to sort things out. Or maybe there is suicide or simple death.

And it is so hard to realize what you are like because of your parents.

So you should see the movie if your life is fucked up, because maybe you will feel it's not that bad anyway. Or you should see the movie to realize how there are fucked up things in your life that you don't face. I would say it is 4/5, the movie that makes you feel miserable but at least the acting makes you feel that.

oklah.jpgAnd this was the only scene that I found cute, a little serenade from Benedict Cumberbatch.

From the soundtrack (it is only playing under the credits)

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